how to measure life

life should not be measured or rooted in image, status, or popularity. instead, life should be measured by the level of peace you can acquire and grow to embody. the energy you embrace. being a magical, messy, unraveling thing at times. if humans are made of the cosmos we should channel the power of them. baring your teeth when required. digging your heels into the dirt of the earth. no matter what is destroyed or built, no matter what is lost or what is earned; you remain. i think that’s what life is all about.

it can be all too easy to lose sight of who we are and where our essence lies when we are caught up in what everyone else is doing. what we think WE “should” be doing. when you feel yourself caught and tangled in the web of the world, gently bring your hands up to release the threads. take a few deep breaths and give yourself permission to remember the absolute gift and miracle of being alive.

photo credit: tumblr


the current of change


embrace your wholeness